Can My Child Get Stitches at an Urgent Care?
READ MORE: Can My Child Get Stitches at an Urgent Care?The short answer is “Yes, your child can get stitches at an urgent care clinic.” Several aspects of a laceration justify stitches or other methods of closing a wound, like adhesives or surgical tape.
Sprains and Broken Bones in Kids and Teens: What Parents Need to Know
READ MORE: Sprains and Broken Bones in Kids and Teens: What Parents Need to KnowSprains and Broken Bones in Kids and Teens: What Parents Need to Know Our kids and teens are naturally active and adventurous. It is no surprise that accidents and injuries occur. Sprains and broken bones are among the most common
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Strep Throat: What Do Parents Need to Know?
READ MORE: Strep Throat: What Do Parents Need to Know?While most everyone thinks of strep throat as fever and bad sore throat with huge tonsils covered with white patches, that only occurs in some kids.
Fever: Treat the Kid Not the Number
READ MORE: Fever: Treat the Kid Not the NumberFever phobia is one of the most challenging “medical misunderstandings” we encounter. A seminal paper published in 1980 found that parents thought fever could harm their children. Parents believed fever caused brain damage, convulsions (which, we assume, means seizures…), hearing…
Communication With Your Provider: 5 Tips to Make It Easier
READ MORE: Communication With Your Provider: 5 Tips to Make It EasierCommunication is tough. Likely many people would agree that nonverbal communication accounts for more than verbal communication in many situations. That assumes you have the right vocabulary to convey what you’re thinking. Throw in a sick child and parental exhaustion,…