Can My Child Get Stitches at an Urgent Care?
READ MORE: Can My Child Get Stitches at an Urgent Care?The short answer is “Yes, your child can get stitches at an urgent care clinic.” Several aspects of a laceration justify stitches or other methods of closing a wound, like adhesives or surgical tape.
Sprains and Broken Bones in Kids and Teens: What Parents Need to Know
READ MORE: Sprains and Broken Bones in Kids and Teens: What Parents Need to KnowSprains and Broken Bones in Kids and Teens: What Parents Need to Know Our kids and teens are naturally active and adventurous. It is no surprise that accidents and injuries occur. Sprains and broken bones are among the most common
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Navigating Pediatric Injuries with KidMed – Virginia This Morning (video)
READ MORE: Navigating Pediatric Injuries with KidMed – Virginia This Morning (video)Aired December 16, 2022 on Virginia This Morning Jeff Bennett, D.O. and Mark Flanzenbaum, M.D. met with Jessica Noll of Virginia This Morning on CBS 6 (WTVR) and discussed why visiting a pediatric urgent care for treating pediatric injuries is a great choice.…
Dysuria: Is It Just Pain or Something Worse?
READ MORE: Dysuria: Is It Just Pain or Something Worse?As we enter the warmer weather seasons, we start to see more kids with a chief complaint of “dysuria,” or pain when they pee. When kids say it hurts to pee, most parents immediately assume there is a urinary tract…
Nursemaid’s Elbow
READ MORE: Nursemaid’s ElbowHere’s a scenario for you: You’re holding your toddler’s hand while walking at the park. You tell your toddler it’s time to go. She decides this does not jive with her plans, so she lets her legs go loose. Like…
When Should I Take My Child to the ER?
READ MORE: When Should I Take My Child to the ER?Every parent has agonized over whether to take a sick or injured child to the emergency room. Yet, too often, the only option considered is home treatment or the ER. While some situations require medical attention, few require a hospital…